It is with great excitement that we share this new development for HOPE Dental Center and His Hands on Africa.
HHOA in collaboration with Archstorming, a non-profit organization based our of Spain that seeks to improve humanitarian issues through humanitarian architecture competitions, opened a global architectural competition to design HOPE Dental Center November last year. The competition drew 427 applicants from all around the world of which 234 teams submitted drawings for HOPE Dental Center. Top 50 finalists were submitted to the Jury, which consisted of 9 members from around the world, many with construction experience in Africa and some specifically in Rwanda. HHOA’s aim was to use the building process of HOPE Dental Center to bless and build up the community and be a source of hope to the people we serve. We were inspired by a TED talk given by a famous architect Michael Murphy, who led the team that designed the Butaro District Hospital in Rwanda. He incorporated the Rwandan concept of “Ubudehe”- the long-standing Rwandan practice and culture of collective action and mutual support to solve problems within a community - to design and build the new hospital. “When we had to excavate an enormous hill top and a bulldozer was expensive and hard to get to the site, so they did it by hand using a method in Rwanda called Ubedehe, which means ‘community works for the community.’ Hundreds of people came and finished the job in half the time and half the cost.” These four concepts were incorporated in the building process of the hospital and the community: 1. Hire locally 2. Source regionally 3. Train where you can 4. Invest in dignity In addition, sustainability is a fundamental aim of the HOPE Dental Center. Again we incorporated it into the building design important elements such as renewable energy, heating and ventilation efficiency and sustainable water management strategies. It is with great pleasure that we announce the winner of the HOPE Dental Center global architectural competition. First prize winner is a team based out of Dubai, UAE. The other winners and Honorable mentions are teams from Brazil, USA, Switzerland, Australia, Hong Kong, France, Spain, UK, Colombia, Slovenia and China. As you can see, the competition was truly a global event, the creativity of world came together to bring forth the future design of HOPE Dental Center.
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